Double standard, welding smoke vs secondhand smoke in the workplace

Welding smoke is far more hazardous than secondhand smoke. And air quality testing shows that welding smoke is regulated to safety standards by OSHA, so lawmakers allow OSHA do do its job rather than ban welding smoke.

Secondhand smoke on the other hand, though proven to be 15 – 25,000 times SAFER than OSHA workplace air quality regulations, requires government intervention (smoking bans) according to paid activists and some lawmakers…….this double standard however, and the air quality testing link here prove that a special interest agenda might be the real motive behind the demand for bans.
Otherwise, if health were the real concern we would show some consistency, either by allowing workplace air quality regulations and ventilation solutions in our bars and restaurants.......or by imposing a ban on all other potential workplace air quality hazards.
Also see: Rent Seeking Legislation
(Ventilation equipment is allowed in the industrial workplace to remove welding smoke, why not in the hospitality workplace to remove tobacco smoke? The fact that Nicoderm, Nicorette, Nicotrol, money via RWJF is used to finance smoking ban lobbyists is the likely's all about making money not concern for health)