Here is the article that started pharmaceutical nicotine's targeted fight against big tobacco....for profit...not health.
A Reflection On Alternative Nicotine Delivery SystemsMark C. Taylor, MD,. FRCSC
Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada (circa 1997?)
Article source:
AND=Alternative nicotine delivery
......a quote from the article in page one second paragraph:
"....The proper regulatory response is to implement a strategy that levels the regulatory playing field between the cigarette and AND products."
..Pharmaceutical companies are urged to be more aggressive marketers. "I think it important that nicotine drug manufacturers (Johnson & Johnson, RWJF), who will profit from less cigarette sales, pursue this in their advertising and that they lift any voluntary restraints they have from directly competing with tobacco products and attacking the tobacco industry."......
Given the directive above, Nicoderm manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson Company, utilized their partner RWJF, to fund smoking ban efforts around the globe in order to prop up demand of the alternative pharmaceutical nicotine products they maunufacture or own. Products like Nicoderm, Nicoderm CQ, Nicotrol, Nicorette, Commit, etc.
I'd call this the smoking gun.....that's what the anti-smoking activists called the tobacco company memos which exposed internal strategies.
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