According to a second local Minnesota poll, support for a statewide smoking ban is slipping away

KSTP recently reported a Survey USA poll which determined that 58% percent of Minnesotans do not support a strict statewide smoking ban. While 41% did favor a smoking ban in both bars and restaurants, leaving 1% undecided.
Only days earlier a Minnesota Legislative poll showed that 51.59% of over 15,000 participants did not favor a statewide smoking ban in Minnesota bars. And 54.74% of those polled felt that private clubs, fraternal organizations, etc. should be exempt from any smoking ban attempt.
The message seems loud and clear, Minnesotans do not support the anti-business agenda of imposing smoking bans. And given the alternatives available to deal with the grossly exaggerated "risks" of secondhand smoke, the solution is obvious : regulation not prohibition should be the proper response. OSHA air quality regulations already safeguard the health of employees in any and all industries.
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