Clearing The Air
Monday, February 28, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Like sheep led to slaughter...........
Like sheep led to slaughter...........This cannot be unexpected news to anyone. As we watch our MN. lawmakers attempt to ban smoking in private bars & restaurants, the majority not even willing to send an email to contest the issue as a property rights violation to our politicians. It will be no surprise that your silence is construed as accepting further government limitations of your freedoms.
So organizations will push the envelope getting lawmakers to further restrict your rights in a whole myriad of issues. I understand that only 19% of Minnesotans smoke, I am not one of them, and you probably aren't either. But accepting one government infringement and deciding to fight the next is not a strategy for success.
Example, sit through a city council, county commission, or Senate / House committee hearing on the smoking ban issue and you are very likely; as I have; to hear this actual argument by the anti-smoking activists well, we regulate the water temperature behind the bar via the health department there is no reason we shouldn't regulate (ban) smoking. The argument I guarantee you will hear on the next issue (proposed ban) will be something like this: The State banned smoking in private bars & restaurants there is no reason that we shouldn't ban salt in restaurants, or cheeseburgers, or sale of alcohol, etc.
ps. the next MN. House committee hearing on the smoking ban HF405 is Wed. Mar. 2, 2005 members usually have their minds made up by the time they get to that hearing here is a link to the 26 lawmakers on that committee if you want your voice heard send a brief polite email explaining your stand on the issue by Tues. 3/1/2005........if ye be sheep just relax, this isn't going to hurt ........much.
Our schools are burning..............
Atomizer illustrates the unspeakable dangers which exist in our schools. I wonder if the man who "knows stuff" has looked into these very real academic hazards funded, or rather under-funded; at taxpayer expense.I'm sorry.....
....but this story reminded me of an adolescent joke. (see if you remember the punchline)If a stork delivers babies, what bird delivers no babies...............?And the next contestant is............
This in from Honest Reporting about the latest msm columnist seeking early retirement. Case in point: HonestReporting Canada reports that the Toronto Sun's Eric Margolis, who has a long record of Israel-bashing, recently accused Israel of poisoning Yassir Arafat:Arafat's convenient death removed a major obstacle to U.S.-Israeli plans. This writer continues to suspect Arafat was murdered by an untraceable nerve or blood toxin. He was being held prisoner by Israel in his Ramallah compound. (Feb. 13) Columnist Eric Margolis. And this week (Feb. 20), Margolis likewise implied with no substantiation whatsoever that Israel may have murdered former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. Observing that 'the professional expertise of the bombing strongly suggests a state intelligence agency,' Margolis names only one such likely agency in his column: 'Israel's Mossad.'
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
The new era of prohibition....
Bob Davis of AM 1500 talked today about the implications of raising the cigarette tax higher yet, while also banning cigarette smoking. Can you say oxy-moron? It got me to thinking though,....if I can't sell Smokeeter aircleaners to bars & restaurant any longer; yet I'll still need to pay the does one sign up for a blackmarket no cigarette tax franchise operation? Do I need any special skills? Would it help if I had some Italian heritage? Is a resume required? And how about startup costs? If anyone out there has information to answer these questions please drop a line.Seems like a nice enough fella...
Sounds like this guy was a straight shooter as a private citizen, but I'm afraid politics may corrupt him.Love means never having to say your sorry........
...........just beat it. .........see what I mean? (be warned second link contains adult material in 26 second video clip)Monday, February 21, 2005
An argument in the affirmative.......
Oddly enough, this was nearly the verbatim debate issue at the last John Adams Society meeting.Mr. Chair I do believe the issue is resolved........... All peoples yearn for the least bloody form of tyranny........if not democracy.MN. is damned to the same fall as Rome
I won't put together a full post here as I am so ticked off at the display I witnessed in Senate Committee today. I presented facts from the Environmental Health Dept. of St. Louis Park and facts from OSHA which analyzed together proves that there is no public health issue regarding second hand smoke in MN. bars & restaurants. But our primp, proper, politically correct, nanny, nazi lawmkers can't be bothered with the facts. Just let one more lawmaker tell me it's a public health issue........BAM, ZOOM, to the moon Alice!Saturday, February 19, 2005
You can guess what happens next.....
Yes, those wacko left coast libs will be sending zoo animals in for diversity training.Friday, February 18, 2005
Reminds me of ancient Rome........
I hope this restaurant has a vomitorium!Excuse me waiter...there's a hair in my soup.
Et tu Atomizer......?
For those of you playing the Atomizer sleuthing game, I'll give you a hint look for the smokiest in the study. Atomizer was apparently present for the test.Beware the Ides of March
I have been busy lately compiling and deciphering the latest information on St. Louis Park, MN. Health department test results. The independent test results show secondhand smoke is 150 times safer than even strict OSHA TLV on nicotine. I will be presenting this information before a couple of Senate & House committee hearings beginning Monday 2/21/05, and nervously watching my back for the anti-smoking activists' hitmen.......If MPAAT and the American Lung Association read this post I may be willing to sell out this information for the millions of dollars they would otherwise spend lobbying our politicians on now needless legislation.Thursday, February 17, 2005
Can't swing a dead cat without...........
Because bloodsport is our game, let me introduce the new Eason Jordan.Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Loose lips, and poor research........
From CQ comes this in reference to the Eason Fables fallout:Steve Lovelady, managing editor of the Columbia Journalism Review, the self-styled flagship of journalism, said this in the fallout of CNN chief news executive Eason Jordan's resignation on Friday: "The salivating morons who make up the lynch mob prevail."I won't comment further on this story as the master's have fully covered, or rather exposed, nearly every angle. Except to say that though there are many more targets to expose; we ought to be ever vigilant for the MSM and our left leaning idealogues are scouring the blogosphere, no doubt, for their day of reckoning. And the only thing more embarrassing than being forced to resign from a good paying MSM job, is to be forced to resign from pro bono work in your pajamas.Consider the source
I'm not sure which is more amusing, the fact that lefty bloggers use two liberal biased media outlets WCCO & Star/Sickle as defense of their argument against Sen. Kennedy, or the fact that these nuanced thinkers feel these two outlets still have any relevance in Minnesota.Monday, February 14, 2005
Parable revisited
What is that biblical verse?....... give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, teach him to rob and he'll eat for a lifetime, or at least 5 -10.Some companies have a head for business....
.........this isn't a story about one of those companies.Ok, so most of you probably know I have been fighting these do-gooders attempting to buy a smoking ban from our lawmakers for about a year now. My business for 15 years has been selling Smokeeter aircleaners to bars & restaurants, thank you for helping me make a new career choice you spineless lawmakers. Anyway, I decided to put together a website (shameless plug) and start handling more residential oriented air cleaners.Well last week I get an email from a supplier (whose name I won't dignify in writing here) that I can't advertise their product on my website. My other suppliers I work with are fine with free publicity as long as any pricing shown is list price, which they all are; even the product in question. But this company wants me to cease & desist selling their product. Well that's fine there is always a company eager for the free advertising; and the bonus is that the competitor's list price is 75% less. I not only save my customers money, but increase sales by handling a less expensive system.
My point is this, if profit is the bottom line why would a company turn down another avenue of free marketing? It's been interesting seeing how different companies handle the advent of internet marketing via their distributors. One supplier raised the wholesale price of their residential aircleaner by 40% so that they wouldn't have to compete on the internet with their distributors, that makes a lot of sense.
Look, before internet marketing; Company ABC sold their widget to their distributors for $5, the distributor sold that widget for the list price of $10 or whatever his local market would bear. But after the advent of internet marketing, some companies have decided we'll just raise the wholesale price of the widget from $5 to $8 to drive the distributors away and have all this internet business to ourselves, trouble is for every 1 widget sale to an end user; the company has alienated a distributor who used to order 10 widgets per transaction; that's apparently the new math, go figure.
How are we going to get rich in the blogosphere now?
This blows, the only reason I started posting was to get a huge payoff from the political party offering the most money.If even one life is spared...
After hearing Chief's tale of becoming violently ill, I am convinced it was the poultry and not Mr. Hewitt; though I could be wrong. But since I can reasonably protect myself from meeting the Godfather of the blogosphere and thereby eliminate that as the possibility of becoming violently ill, the more likely cause; poultry poisoning, can only be avoided by becoming vegetarian.So, I will not have time to post anymore today; taking the lead from MPAAT, The American Lung Association et al. I will be writing my MN. Senators & Representatives to demand that they ban meat in all forms; beef, poultry, pork (I'll have to check on Tofurkey) from all bars & restaurants, er I mean public places. And I suggest you all do the same.People I know this will take some time to get used to; once we are all forced to become vegetarian, or closet carnivores; but if even one life is spared it will be worth it.Sunday, February 13, 2005
A funny thing happened on the way to the Oscars
I certainly don't agree with the politics of Chris Rock but this just makes me smile. Hollywood is full of idiots, but it's entertaining to watch them self destruct from the inside. I think it's indicative of the left as a whole.The coup d'etat

..........still fresh upon us, and relatively bloodless as revolutions go; save for wrestling the keyboard from the bloody mary drenched hands of Jo, leaves the superior gender now in full control of the Attic.As homage to my Latin instructor Sr. Margaret and recent resurrection in the film "Gladiator", from this day hence; (in the blogosphere anyway), nomen meum est Marcus Aurelius. Minnesota is to be a Republic (an stronghold) again. All hail Caesar, and long live the scream.
Posted By:Marcus Aurelius
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
Smoking bans are coercive, collusive, and frankly bordering on racketeering.
see more here:
- Economic effect of smoking bans on world economy
- Do smoking ban effects constitute an eminent domain taking?
- More than 500 Twin Cities Bars & Restaurants have Closed Since Smoking Bans were Enacted
- 2,000+ bars and restaurants closed (50,000+ lost jobs?) in parts of US, Canada, and Ireland due to smoking bans
- 3,382+ pubs closed (50,000+ lost jobs?) in U.K. due to smoking bans
- Smoking Bans...Good Public Policy or Simply A Good Nicoderm Marketing Plan?
- * The media's role in assisting the worldwide smoking ban agenda
- British Medical Journal (BMJ) air quality test results of secondhand smoke
- Air quality testing proves secondhand smoke is NOT a health hazard
- The ends justifies the means
- ....Pharmaceutical companies battle against the tobacco companies for market share....not health concerns
- Epidemiological relative risk ratios of secondhand smoke prove "health hazard" claims are unfounded
- Welding smoke in the workplace is far more hazardous than secondhand smoke, so where is the call for a ban?
- American Cancer Society and RWJF find that smoking bans are a great way to market smoking cessation products
- How the Drug Industry uses Non-Profits to Push its Profit Agenda
- Exposing the Smoking Ban Hoax
- The Smoking Ban Pushers and the Profits
- What can you do to battle smoking bans?
- What can you do to battle smoking bans? RWJF and J & J role
- The Case Against Smoking Bans
- The Lies, The Liars, and the Motive
- Ventilation not Legislation
- The Truth Regarding 4000 Hazardous Chemicals Claim
- Pro-smoking ban activists are caught spreading lies
- Health Dept AQ testing of SHS vs OSHA Guidelines
- American Cancer Society proves SHS is 25,000 times safer than OSHA Guidelines
- American Cancer Society catches Surgeon General in an outright lie
- Twin Cities bars and restaurants closed since implementing smoking bans
- The role of Nicoderm in promoting smoking bans, a genius marketing ploy
- My brush with fame, The Great Mr. James Repace
- Tobacco Control Group Threatens "Clearing The Air"
- CDC sells out to Big Pharmaceutical
- Expedition to highlight global warming called off due to extreme cold
- Purchase Air Cleaners for Home or Work Online
- Anti-Strib
- Bars & Restaurants out of business due to smoking bans
- Boycott Johnson & Johnson (and by extension RWJF, ALA, ACS, AHA etc.)
- Competitive Enterprise Institute
- Center for Consumer Freedom
- Craig Westover
- Dave Hitt Smoking ban facts
- Dissecting Anti-smoker's Brains
- Drudge Report
- Eckernet
- Forces International
- Forces Iowa
- Fox News
- Fraters Libertas
- Freedom to Choose UK
- Free
- Heartland Institute Blog FTH
- Heartland Institute
- Heritage Foundation
- Illinois Smoker's Rights
- Iowa Hawk
- Info on Minnesota Smoking Bans
- J Redhead Girl
- Singer, Song Writer, Artist Joe Jackson's Official Website
- John Adams
- Junk Science
- Libertarian Party Against Smoking Bans
- Minnesotans Against Smoking Bans
- National Review Online
- Neal Boortz
- Nihilist in Golf Pants
- Our House
- Pacific Legal Foundation
- PharmaFraud
- Politics, Guns, & Beer
- Powerline
- P.U.F.F. People United For Freedom
- Real Clear Politics
- Rush Limbaugh, godfather of the right!
- SCSU Scholars
- Shot in the Dark
- Smokers Rights Newsletter
- Social Smokers
- South Dakotans for Better Health & Freedom
- Stand Up Cape (Girardeau)
- Steyn Online
- Uncle Ted (The Nuge)
- The Rest of the Story
- The Truth is a Lie
- The Weekly Standard
- True North
- Wright County Republican
- The beginning of a revolution
- Is it possible stop "man-made global warming / cli...
- Policing Terrorism
- Debunked: CO2 & "climate change"
- What does Islam teach its followers? (muslims)
- RWJF commits $10,000,000.00 to promote Obamacare
- QuitPlan deceives Minnesotans ....again
- Anti-smoking Corruption: New report indicates libe...
- RWJF & anti-tobacco groups profit from bloated, wa...
- 3 ways RWJF violates ethics if not legal business ...
- RWJF (a 501(c)3 organization, IE. pays reduced tax...
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