Michigan state lawmakers once again defeat smoking ban efforts for right reason...smoking bans increase unemployment
"Until we get our unemployment rate down, issues like the smoking ban are not a good use of the Legislature's time," said Matt Marsden, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mike Bishop, R-Rochester.Found online here:
Mr. Marsden's words are very true indeed. Here in Minnesota our smoking bans closed 322+ bars & restaurants and counting......eliminating 10,000+ local jobs.
U.K.'s smoking ban closed 3,000+ pubs, eliminating 20,000+ jobs.
Nevada's smoking ban led the way to nearly $1 billion in gambling revenue losses vs previous year revenue reports.
Read more about the economic meltdown due to smoking bans here:
Just remember what the Nicoderm (RWJF) funded smoking ban lobbyists told lawmakers "...smoking bans are good for business....." They just didn't mention that the business they were referring to was the Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical nicotine business:
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