Smoking bans kill more people than they save
Another recent story of an individual forced outdoors to enjoy a legal product......and later found dead of exposure.Article link here:
Members of Collen's family say they have been told he went into the care home's courtyard around 1 a.m. to have a cigarette. The temperature was around –20 C the night of Collen's death, with a wind chill of –31.
At this website you'll find 100+ incidents of violence, murder, and death of smokers due to smoking bans.
While these websites chronicle the elimination of 10,000 - 20,000 jobs..... lost due to smoking bans.
When Clearing the Air says smoking bans kill more people than they save, that data comes from air quality testing published in the British Medical Journal, conducted by such groups as the American Cancer Society, Johns Hopkins, Environmental Health Departments, etc. Secondhand smoke is up to 25,000 times SAFER than OSHA air quality regulations, which explains the reason nobody has died from exposure to secondhand smoke.....contrary to Nicoderm funded activists claims.
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