Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The RICO Act should be used against pharmaceutical (Nicoderm / RWJF) interests who deceive lawmakers about the false need to enact smoking bans

An online article states:

The United States Justice Department charges that under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), cigarette companies have deceived the public for decades in an effort to sell their products. Few would deny the deceptions, except perhaps the tobacco companies themselves. But what's most intriguing about this effort to prosecute Big Tobacco for racketeering is that the racketeering charges almost perfectly describe the behavior of Big Pharma (drug companies) today.

The drug companies (private foundation RWJF) is ..........funding so-called "independent research" that is actually highly-distorted science...claiming that secondhand smoke is a health hazard in an effort to sell their products.

RICO and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Johnson & Johnson Company's private foundation). Perhaps '08 will be the year lawmakers stand up to the special rent-seeking interests.

The large scale economic damages to our communities caused by these pharmaceutical nicotine interests, based on falsified "studies" deserve an in-depth investigation.

Meanwhile air quality testing has overwhelmingly concluded that secondhand smoke IS NOT a workplace health hazard: