How long before smoking ban activists condemn the hazards of holy secondhand smoke?

This fiery figure is being hailed as Pope John Paul II making an appearance beyond the grave.
The image, said by believers to show the Holy Father with his right hand raised in blessing, was spotted during a ceremony in Poland to mark the second anniversary of his death.
The rest of the story can be found online here.
If health concerns were the real impetus for smoking bans, there would be consistent condemnation of secondhand smoke no matter what the ignition source wood, charcoal, tobacco or holy smoke.
It is however no coincidence that smoking ban activists and their financial backers RWJF, Johnson & Johnson Co. (Nicoderm manufacturer) are only concerned enough to eliminate tobacco smoke; not wood or charcoal.
As for secondhand pontiff smoke we'll just have to wait and see......but it's a safe bet that if there's no profit in banning it, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation / J & J Company and the activists they employ won't waste their time.
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