When deceitful tactics become the modus operandi of the pro-smoking ban movement
Defn: modus operandi used to describe fraud investigation when talking of behavior patterns that indicate specific types of fraud.The story below claims that by measuring all the airborne dust "particulate" in the bars and restaurants you can determine the health hazards from secondhand smoke.
Of course it's a fraud. So Clearing the Air has a simple solution for all these air quality "experts". If you want to determine the actual concentration of secondhand smoke in the air; why not measure secondhand smoke concentrations?......What a novel idea!
Three separate organizations conducted such air quality testing and proved that secondhand smoke levels are 15 - 25,000 times SAFER than OSHA air quality regulations for secondhand smoke. See link:
The reason the pro-smoking ban activists now use the misleading RSP (respirable suspended particulate) test results, is because actual scientific air quality testing does not support their agenda. And they're hoping that you, John Q. Public, are too stupid to understand the facts.
Update: Correct AQ testing method for secondhand smoke.
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