MPAAT now known as ClearWay Minnesota mistakenly provides a picture of honesty

That honesty was in showing a snapshot of the customer losses after enactment of a smoking ban on St. Paul bars & restaurants.
The mistake? What MPAAT really wanted to do was show how much cleaner the air was since enactment of smoking bans......not hard to do once you remove 80% + of the customers though. (click on the table above for the customer loss data)
Update: The "customers before" heading is the customer count before smoking bans were enacted, the "customers after" is the customer count after smoking bans were enacted. Thus we have proof positive from MPAAT/Clearway Minnesota that smoking bans do indeed destroy the hospitality business in 7 out of 10 establishments.
Yeah, smoking bans are good for business.....just ask MPAAT / ClearWay Minnesota. (for those not from around here MPAAT is the MSA funded anti-tobacco group which locally has been spreading the lies that secondhand smoke kills 38,000 people a year. However, I think we've thoroughly debunked that scam here).
Meanwhile, just ask the American Cancer Society and OSHA if the bans are necessary in the first place......they'll give 25,000 reasons why the answer is no.
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