Lawmakers voting for the anti-business agenda of smoking bans are merely puppets to the pharmaceutical nicotine industry.......
...........And one former lawmaker hopes to expose them.
Jim Farrell, a former Minnesota state lawmaker and current head of the Minnesota Licensed Beverage Association (MLBA), is sending a message loud and clear to the citizens of Minnesota and its politicians........and "Clearing the Air" couldn't be more supportive.
Because as regular readers know, Clearing the Air has long been pointing out the innapropriate financial contributions from the Johnson & Johnson (manfacturer of Nicoderm) founded Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to the pro-smoking ban activists.
Whether it's the American Lung Association, American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association......who accepted $99,000,000.00 to become "activists" for RWJF.
Or the American Medical Association which accepted $88,000,000.00 from RWJF.
Or the $70,000,000.00 paid by RWJF to National Center for Tobacco Free Kids (NCTFK) of which Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is a member.
Even the Centers for Disese Control and Prevention (CDC) has been involved in the financial "take" from pharmaceutical nicotine giant Johnson & Johnson order to promote the pharmaceutical nicotine agenda of demanding smoking bans.
Note (in the grant above) under the "Chairman's Circle" the $50,000.00 + donors to the CDC included the Nicoderm manufacturer itself Johnson & Johnson Company.
(if you're asking yourself why a pharmaceutical nicotine manufacturer would want to ban tobacco nicotine use, you're apparently too naive to understand; but the marketing department at J & J understands)
Manufacturer of Nicoderm & Nicoderm CQ is ALZA: (check the box, manufactured by ALZA, distributed by GSK)
ALZA is owned by Johnson & Johnson pharmaceutical company:
RWJF owns 80 million plus shares of J & J:Check out RWJF financials here on page 8 of this pdf file
Additionally, aside from the highly inappropriate fact that a pharmaceutical company is attempting to buy government action, which puts tens of thousands of people out of work, and destroys businesses; the exaggerations of secondhand smoke being a health hazard are put to rest once and for all with this American Cancer Society data which proves indoor concentrations are up to 25,000 times SAFER than OSHA regulations for the components of secondhand smoke.
So welcome aboard MLBA better late than never.....feel free to rummage through the Clearing the Air archives to use any and all of the research data we've uncovered.
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