This social engineering update brought to you by Nicoderm..
.....kick their asses out on the street afterall, its not your job....its not your problem.Jeanne Weigum, the president and harpy-in-charge of the Association for Non-Smokers Rights isn't shedding any tears. Weigum and her crew, along with city council buffoon Dave Thune were largely responsible for the ban's enactment. Weigum is quoted as saying, "People will just have to adjust." "The buggy whip went out with the horse and carriage too, that's just the way it goes."
Swiftee is on top of more jobs & business losses due to the smoking bans.
FYI......all you non-profit parasites with your multi-million dollar pharmaceutical grants can pay-off my mortgage anytime now, living on the streets because of your ordinances wasn't part of my plans.
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