Tuesday, April 29, 2008

J & J's RWJF and tobacco control groups create new problem. Report Finds: Cigarette Smugglers Funnel Money to Terror Groups

Tobacco control activists funded by Nicoderm manufacturer Johnson & Johnson (ALZA) Company's private foundation, RWJF, urged lawmakers to increase tobacco taxes. The result is a black market which apparently funnels profits back to Al Qaeda according to this story.

So it seems that Johnson & Johnson Company's Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funds policies which result in raising money for terrorist groups.....isn't that an interesting turn of events.

As a reminder, the reason Johnson & Johnson Company's RWJF fund anti-tobacco policies is to increase Nicoderm product sales.


And increasing Nicoderm sales is exactly what smoking bans and increased tobacco taxes have accomplished.


The other result of these policies is business closings and increased global unemployment.





RWJF and tobacco control policies help fund Al Qaeda, perhaps that wasn't their intent; but that is the result of their draconian and rent seeking activism.