Thursday, December 08, 2011

Smoking ban: definition update

Smoking ban (Definition) elimination of big spending, late night, liquor consuming customers.

What is the impact of decreased liquor consumption in bars and restaurants?

To answer that question you first have to understand the fundamental facts about the hospitality business that bar / restaurant owners and managers know very well. Liquor products are marked up on average 300 to 500% over cost....IE. a very profitable component of any successful hospitality establishment. Food sales on the other hand net 10% perhaps 20% profit margin.....Result? If you cut 30%-50% of liquor sales (IE. ban tobacco using customers) then the hospitality industry will see massive significant reductions, business closures, resulting in higher unemployment.

Anyone claiming otherwise is trying to obfuscate the truth because of their conflicting financial agenda, (Pfizer finances new CDC study to try to prove smoking bans do not harm hospitality businesses because Pfizer
manufactures Chantix, while RWJF / J & J fund smoking ban lobbyists around the globe to promote smoking bans because Johnson & Johnson manufactures or sells Nicoderm, Nicorette, Nicotrol, Commit alternative tobacco products.........At the links below, several thousand anecdotal examples reveal some very damaging, smoking ban impact, facts: