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February statistics show casino revenue dropping to $57.9 million, down 10.1 percent compared with the same month last year. In January, proceeds fell to $56.7 million, off 3.6 percent from a year ago. -(Colorado casinos)
In Nevada, home to the Las Vegas strip and other towns with far more gambling attractions than Colorado, business has suffered. Total revenues for Nevada's casinos fell almost 5 percent in January to $1.064 billion, according to the state's gaming division.
New Jersey and Illinois also reported significant declines in the same month compared with a year ago, according to data collected by the American Gaming Association.
"....smokers also acknowledge that when they're outside smoking, they're not pumping money into the slots....."
Just keep telling yourself "....smoking bans are good for business.....".
That's what Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the non-profits in their employ, and Nicoderm manufacturer Johnson & Johnson Company keep repeating.